Soft Tissue Therapy

You do not have to play a sport to get musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction.  It can be caused by lifestyle or daily stresses.  What you do for work, how you carry yourself (posture) or how you are structured all influence your body and how you react to those influences.

Soft Tissues are the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, vessels, and the fascia network that support every structure in the body. 

STT is the assessment, treatment and management of injuries, pain or dysfunction to the soft tissues of the body.

It is ideal for people who are wanting: to reduce chronic pain and restrictions, improve their posture, increase the range of motion of a joint, relax and thus improve their quality of life.

Along with assisting the body to regain full strength following an injury or musculoskeletal trauma, it helps to speed up recovery, remove adhesions and reduce scar tissue.

Common types of conditions treatable with STT include:

  • Bursitis
  • Bruises
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Stress injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Headaches
  • Inhibited muscles

STT includes:

  • Therapeutic massage aimed at improving general health and wellbeing as well as symptoms relating to other medical conditions (not all conditions are able to be treated so if you are in doubt, please ask your therapist)
  • Sports massage as part of a support package which is designed to help athletes prevent injury and enhance performance
  • A range of advanced massage techniques aimed at targeted improvement and recovery from acute and chronic injuries
  • A range of assessment methods to determine the appropriateness of Soft Tissue Therapy for the individual and devise a suitable treatment plan for the individual client
  • A range of advanced soft tissue techniques to improve joint and fascial mobility
  • A range of Neuromuscular techniques to improve functional movement
  • Offering advice on a range of remedial exercises and lifestyle factors aimed at speeding up recovery, preventing injury as well as improving posture, performance and function

Soft Tissue Therapists care about the person with an injury, not just the injury.

Treatment is tailored to the specific type, timescale, and degree of dysfunction.


"Amanda has been helping me with my back for the last six years. I've had three decompression laminectomies on my back over the last twenty years. I have seen numerous 'back people' over the years in London, Kent Buckinghamshire etc. Amanda has always corrected whatever was wrong (back, neck, shoulder etc) in one sometimes two visits. She always finds the problem area and works on it to help with the pain. Everything is done with a smile. She is undoubtedly the BEST. I have no hesitation in recommending her to many of my friends who also find her excellent. I shall continue to see her as and when I need to."
Simply Better Treatments

I have seen numerous 'back people' over the years in London, Kent Buckinghamshire etc. Amanda has always corrected whatever was wrong (back, neck, shoulder etc) in one sometimes two visits.

"Amanda has been helping me with my back for the last six years. I've had three decompression laminectomies on my back over the last twenty years. I have seen numerous 'back people' over the years in London, Kent Buckinghamshire etc. Amanda has always corrected whatever was wrong (back, neck, shoulder etc) in one sometimes two visits. She always finds the problem area and works on it to help with the pain. Everything is done with a smile. She is undoubtedly the BEST. I have no hesitation in recommending her to many of my friends who also find her excellent. I shall continue to see her as and when I need to."
"Having suffered from tightness, pain and discomfort in my shoulders for over 20 years. I had to do something about it. Amanda was recommended to me by a number of people, so I felt making an appointment with her was the right way to go. 4 years later, I can say it was definitely the right decision. It took time but my shoulders have certainly been sorted along with other things over the years, that on occasions I was not even aware of, until after the treatment. I still see Amanda just to keep on top of things. So if you need help, I can fully recommend Amanda without hesitation."
Simply Better Treatments

I still see Amanda just to keep on top of things. So if you need help, I can fully recommend Amanda without hesitation.

"Having suffered from tightness, pain and discomfort in my shoulders for over 20 years. I had to do something about it. Amanda was recommended to me by a number of people, so I felt making an appointment with her was the right way to go. 4 years later, I can say it was definitely the right decision. It took time but my shoulders have certainly been sorted along with other things over the years, that on occasions I was not even aware of, until after the treatment. I still see Amanda just to keep on top of things. So if you need help, I can fully recommend Amanda without hesitation."
"I got some pain in the upper back area between my neck and right-hand shoulder. The same as before. Went to two different osteopaths - no one even close as good as you are! Officially - you are the best!"
Simply Better Treatments

I got some pain in the upper back area between my neck and right-hand shoulder. The same as before. Went to two different osteopaths - no one even close as good as you are! Officially - you are the best!

"I got some pain in the upper back area between my neck and right-hand shoulder. The same as before. Went to two different osteopaths - no one even close as good as you are! Officially - you are the best!"
Simply Better Treatments

Enquire today

Soft Tissue Therapy
Tel: 07778 808905

Towcestrians Sports Club, Greens Norton Road, Towcester, Northants, NN12 8AW
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The College of Podiatry HCPC Registered General Osteopathis Council Registered