What Is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body, and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

Osteopathy is a method of assessing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems. We use a combination of movement, stretching, targeted deep tissue massage and manipulation of a person’s muscles and joints to improve function, relieve pain and aid recovery.

The body has the natural ability to maintain itself and, by helping this process, an osteopath can promote restoration of normal function. The principle of osteopathy is that the wellbeing of an individual relies on the way that bones, muscles, ligaments, connective tissue and internal structures work with each other.

It is based on the principle that the function (physiology) and structure (anatomy) of the body are inter-connected – for the body to work well the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues need to work smoothly together.

The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) advises that GPs can safely refer patients to an osteopath for treatment.  Osteopaths are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). It is against the law to call yourself an osteopath unless you are qualified and registered with the GOsC. The minimum qualification for an osteopath is completion of a four or five year degree, which includes at least 1000 hours of supervised clinical practice. They must then continue to update and expand their knowledge by logging a minimum of 30 hours per year of continuing professional development. GOsC can remove an osteopath from the register if they fail to maintain a strict code of professional practice. You can check whether an osteopath is registered by visiting the GOsC website.

What Can An Osteopath Do For You?

Osteopaths are commonly known for treating back pain and postural problems including changes due to pregnancy, caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and minor sports injuries

We will take the time to understand you, the patient, and your unique combination of symptoms, medical history and lifestyle. This helps to make an accurate diagnosis of the causes of the pain or lack of function (rather than just addressing the site of the condition), and from that, to formulate a treatment plan that will achieve the best outcome.

We frequently work alongside other health professionals, such as GPs, nurses and midwives as well as alternative medical practitioners. Osteopathy works well to complement other medical interventions including surgery and prescribed medication.

Listed below you can find the common joint and muscle conditions that osteopaths treat.

  • Arthritis
  • Back Pain
  • Peripheral joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain

Osteopathic patients include the young, older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women and sports people.

Focusing on the structure of the body, an osteopath will use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. The aim is to restore the body to a state of balance, where possible without drugs or surgery.  Treatment is tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient – at all stages of life from birth to old age. An osteopath may also provide advice on lifestyle issues, diet and exercise.

We are trained to check for signs of serious conditions they cannot treat.  In these circumstances, they should inform you of what they believe is the problem and refer you to see your GP or hospital for further investigations.

If you want to find out more, we will be happy to talk to you about your health and how you may benefit from osteopathic treatment.


"I got some pain in the upper back area between my neck and right-hand shoulder. The same as before. Went to two different osteopaths - no one even close as good as you are! Officially - you are the best!"
Simply Better Treatments

I got some pain in the upper back area between my neck and right-hand shoulder. The same as before. Went to two different osteopaths - no one even close as good as you are! Officially - you are the best!

"I got some pain in the upper back area between my neck and right-hand shoulder. The same as before. Went to two different osteopaths - no one even close as good as you are! Officially - you are the best!"
"Having suffered from tightness, pain and discomfort in my shoulders for over 20 years. I had to do something about it. Amanda was recommended to me by a number of people, so I felt making an appointment with her was the right way to go. 4 years later, I can say it was definitely the right decision. It took time but my shoulders have certainly been sorted along with other things over the years, that on occasions I was not even aware of, until after the treatment. I still see Amanda just to keep on top of things. So if you need help, I can fully recommend Amanda without hesitation."
Simply Better Treatments

I still see Amanda just to keep on top of things. So if you need help, I can fully recommend Amanda without hesitation.

"Having suffered from tightness, pain and discomfort in my shoulders for over 20 years. I had to do something about it. Amanda was recommended to me by a number of people, so I felt making an appointment with her was the right way to go. 4 years later, I can say it was definitely the right decision. It took time but my shoulders have certainly been sorted along with other things over the years, that on occasions I was not even aware of, until after the treatment. I still see Amanda just to keep on top of things. So if you need help, I can fully recommend Amanda without hesitation."
"Amanda has been helping me with my back for the last six years. I've had three decompression laminectomies on my back over the last twenty years. I have seen numerous 'back people' over the years in London, Kent Buckinghamshire etc. Amanda has always corrected whatever was wrong (back, neck, shoulder etc) in one sometimes two visits. She always finds the problem area and works on it to help with the pain. Everything is done with a smile. She is undoubtedly the BEST. I have no hesitation in recommending her to many of my friends who also find her excellent. I shall continue to see her as and when I need to."
Simply Better Treatments

I have seen numerous 'back people' over the years in London, Kent Buckinghamshire etc. Amanda has always corrected whatever was wrong (back, neck, shoulder etc) in one sometimes two visits.

"Amanda has been helping me with my back for the last six years. I've had three decompression laminectomies on my back over the last twenty years. I have seen numerous 'back people' over the years in London, Kent Buckinghamshire etc. Amanda has always corrected whatever was wrong (back, neck, shoulder etc) in one sometimes two visits. She always finds the problem area and works on it to help with the pain. Everything is done with a smile. She is undoubtedly the BEST. I have no hesitation in recommending her to many of my friends who also find her excellent. I shall continue to see her as and when I need to."
Simply Better Treatments

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Soft Tissue Therapy
Tel: 07778 808905
Email: bridget.pittaway@gmail.com

Towcestrians Sports Club, Greens Norton Road, Towcester, Northants, NN12 8AW
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The College of Podiatry HCPC Registered General Osteopathis Council Registered